Steven E. Jones, CPA
Louisville, KY
Phone: 502-992-3822
Email: sjones@blueandco.com
Joined Firm in: 1992
Steve Jones is a Director with Blue & Co.’s Louisville, Kentucky office, where he provides overall leadership to the audit and attest group. Steve’s primary responsibilities include the management and oversight of all healthcare audits, management letters, and attestation work performed in the Louisville office to ensure client satisfaction, quality control, and timely completion.
Steve specializes in healthcare audit and financial reporting matters, including specific expertise concerning interpretation and implementation of audit and accounting technical literature. Other areas of expertise include internal control assessments, accounts receivable reserve analysis, forecasts and projections, and internal audit services.
Steve is a graduate of Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting. He is a member of the Healthcare Financial Management Association, Indiana CPA Society, and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.