Nick Ficklin, CPA, FHFMA
Louisville, KY
Phone: 502-992-3490
Email: nficklin@blueandco.com
Joined Firm in: 2010
Nick Ficklin is a Director with Blue & Co., LLC in the Louisville office working primarily with the reimbursement department. He has extensive experience working with hospitals on the Medicare & Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) calculations, SSI, worksheet S-10, E.H.R. incentive payments, eligibility verification, Medicare & Medicaid appeals as well as cost report preparation.
Mr. Ficklin graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Accounting & Professional Services. Mr. Ficklin currently serves as the President for the KY Chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association. He is currently a member of YPAL, AICPA and KY CPA Society.