Robert A. Abel, CPA
Director Emeritus
Carmel, IN
Phone: 317-428-6811
Email: babel@blueandco.com
Joined Firm in: 1976
Bob Abel joined Blue & Co. immediately after receiving his B.S. in Accounting from Indiana State University, where he graduated magna cum laude, in 1976. He was named a partner at Blue & Co. in 1986. Bob established Blue & Co.’s construction practice, serving over 100 contractors ranging in revenues from $2-$400 million. He serves as the director of the firm’s Construction Industry Services Group, and he is the founder of the Central Indiana Construction Financial Management Association.
Bob previously served as Director-in-Charge of the Carmel office and is a past chairman of Blue & Co.’s Executive Committee. In addition to his duties to the firm, Bob also serves as an advisor to the board of directors for various closely-held corporations in central Indiana.
Bob’s professional and community involvement includes membership in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Indiana CPA Society, and the John Purdue Club.