Alexander N. Fritz, CPA/ABV, ASA, CVA
Indianapolis, IN
Phone: 317-713-7960
Email: afritz@blueandco.com
Joined Firm in: 2005
As part of the Transaction Advisory and Litigation Group, Alex is responsible for coordinating valuation and consulting services to a range of industries including healthcare, construction, agribusiness, not-for-profits, and manufacturing. Areas of expertise include business valuation and consulting services related to mergers and acquisitions, allocation of purchase price (ASC 805), goodwill impairment (ASC 350), share based payments (ASC 718 & IRC 409A), and Stark/Anti-kickback compliance.
Alex also works with attorneys and clients involved in disputes or litigation. Areas of expertise include marital dissolution, breach of contract, breach of non-compete, Stark/Anti-kickback compliance, and other dispute related matters.
Alex graduated from Indiana University with degrees in accounting and finance. He has acquired certifications as a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Valuation Analyst, the Accredited Business Valuation designation, and is an Accredited member of the American Society of Appraisers in both the Business Valuation and Machinery and Technical Specialties designation (ASA-BV & ASA-MTS).