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We are keeping an ear to the ground so that when updates and regulations occur surrounding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, you will know first. Check back here and follow us on social media to receive breaking news as it occurs.
Have questions about how the legislation affects your personal and business tax planning? Contact your local Blue & Co. tax advisor.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is hot off the presses and contains many provisions which will impact taxpayers in 2018. In addition, the change in corporate tax rates […]
On December 22, President Trump signed into law the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (P.L. 115-97), a sweeping tax reform law that will entirely change the tax landscape. The legislation […]
Congress and the President are enacting the biggest tax reform law in 30 years, one that will make fundamental changes in the way you, your family, and your business calculate […]
Click here to view the highlights of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017”
On December 13th, the Senate and House Republicans announced they have reached agreement on a unified tax reform proposal. However, it may still be a bumpy road as we await […]
December 4, 2017: Congress has set a priority to reform the tax code for 2018 and onward. The House of Representatives and Senate have passed separate pieces of legislation. At […]
You could be eligible for the Work Opportunity tax credit (WOTC) if you hired new employees in 2017, or are hiring new employees in 2018, that are members of a […]
If you purchased qualifying property by December 31, 2017, you may be able to take advantage of Section 179 expensing on your 2017 tax return. You’ll also want to keep […]
Certain transactions between your organization and interested persons — including excess benefit transactions, loans, grants, and business transactions — are required to be reported on the Form 990, Schedule L. […]