
Real Estate

Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Real Estate Portfolio

At Blue & Co., LLC, we understand the unique financial challenges and opportunities that real estate professionals face. That’s why whether you’re a developer, investor, property manager, or real estate professional, our tailored financial solutions can help you navigate the complex landscape of the real estate industry with confidence.

Services Overview

Tax Planning, Compliance, & Consulting

  • Preparation of federal, state, and local income tax returns
  • Implementation and review of entity structure to maximize tax efficiency
  • Review and planning of entity organization documents
  • 1031 planning and opportunities

Accounting and Financial Outsourcing

  • Financial reporting
  • Buy-side and sell-side due diligence
  • Understanding of and compliance with purchase accounting rules and regulations
  • Outsourced CFO capabilities
  • Outsourced accounting services and bookkeeping
  • Cash flow and cash burn analysis

Business Planning

  • Business valuation
  • Merger and acquisition analysis
  • Financial modeling
  • Strategic planning and consulting

Fixed Asset Services 

  • Cost segregation studies
  • 179D/45L
  • Fixed asset management
  • Fixed asset review
  • Property tax services

Location Advisory Services

  • Site selection
  • Incentive procurement
  • Incentive compliance



    year end depreciation update for real estate investors

    Year-End Depreciation Update for Real Estate Investors

    By: Lance Williams, CPA, Manager, and Kimber Sutton, CPA, Staff Accountant The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was passed at the end of 2017. Of the many changes it […]

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    Depreciation Deductions on Business Real Estate_ What You Need to Know When You File Your 2018 Return

    Depreciation Deductions on Business Real Estate: What You Need to Know When You File Your 2018 Return

    Commercial buildings and improvements generally are depreciated over 39 years, which essentially means you can deduct a portion of the cost every year over the depreciation period. (Land isn’t depreciable.) […]

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