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James A. Suttner, CPA


Bloomington, IN
Phone: 812-334-0200
Email: jsuttner@blueandco.com

Joined Firm in: 2012

Jim Suttner’s accounting career spans 23 years and includes experience within the tax department of BKD and as the Director of Suttner Accounting Services, LLC. Jim specializes in tax planning, preparation and consulting. With the merger of Suttner Accounting Services, LLC into Blue & Co. in 2012, Jim became the Director in Blue & Co.’s Bloomington, Indiana office.

Jim graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Bachelor of Arts in Economics. He holds the professional certification of Certified Public Accountant.

Jim’s clients include organizations in various industries, including manufacturing, construction, real estate, dental, physician practices,Β and nonprofits.